For Devs

API’s Main Namespaces

In the namespace you have access to the core methods: is_isbn10, is_isbn13, to_isbn10, to_isbn13, canonical, clean, notisbn, get_isbnlike, get_canonical_isbn, mask, meta, info, editions, and isbn_from_words. The exceptions raised by these methods can all be catched using ISBNToolsException.

You can use advanced features by using the classes and functions exposed in namespace, namely:

  • WEBService a class that handles the access to web services (just by passing an url) and supports gzip. You can subclass it to extend the functionality… but probably you don’t need to use it! It is used in the next class.
  • WEBQuery a class that uses WEBService to retrieve and parse data from a web service. You can build a new provider of metadata by subclassing this class. His main methods allow passing custom functions (handlers) that specialize them to specific needs (data_checker and parser).
  • Metadata a class that structures, cleans and ‘validates’ records of metadata. His method merge allows to implement a simple merging procedure for records from different sources. The main features can be implemented by a call to stdmeta function!
  • vias exposes several functions to put calls to services, just by passing the name and a pointer to the service’s query function. vias.parallel allows to put threaded calls, however doesn’t implement throttling! You can use vias.serial to make serial calls and vias.multi to use several cores. The default is vias.serial, but you can change that in the conf file.

The exceptions raised by these methods can all be catched using ISBNLibDevException.

In you can find several methods, that we found very useful, but you should consider them as beta software. They can change a lot in the future.

Finally, isbntools.conf provides methods to edit the configuration file and helpers to work with isbntools’s modules.

WARNING: If you inspect the library, you will see that there are a lot of private modules (their name starts with ‘_’). These modules should not be accessed directly since, with high probability, your program will break with a further version of the library!

You should access only methods in the API’s isbntools,, and isbntools.conf

All these classes follow a simple design pattern and, if you follow it, will be very easy to integrate your classes with the rest of the lib.


The support for pluggins was dropped from isbntools, however continues to support modules! The reason is that isbnlib now supports plugins for metadata and new formatters.

Just an ISBN lib!

If you just want to integrate the lib in your project, you have several options, depending on your needs…

  1. If you need only basic manipulation of ISBNs (validation, transforming, extraction, hyphenation, …) but not custom metadata or file renaming, then you don’t need a conf file. Just use the methods in isbntools. But probably you are better served with isbnlib.
  2. If you rely heavily in metadata (or file renaming) and don’t want to implement caching yourself, then you need an isbntools.conf file in a directory were your program could write. You can use isbntools.conf to programatically manipulate the conf file.
  3. If you want to vendorize the lib you should take a careful look at and maybe this package (datafolder) could help!

Anyway, you could use the isbn_... scripts in the isbntools/bin directory as examples on how to use the library and as debugger tools for your implementation.

Don’t forget to take a look at isbnlib.

You can browse the code at GitHub.